The president of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Prof. Gengsong Gao, has issued his presidential letter—including details on the 2024 annual meeting. You can download a copy by clicking this link.
Below is the text of this letter:
May 19, 2023
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that the fully in-person 63rd annual meeting of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, “Regional and Global Flows,” will be held on January 26–28, 2024, at Wake Forest University, North Carolina. Our local coordinators are arranging some very exciting events. All conference information will be posted online at as it becomes available.
The program committee welcomes proposals for individual or panel presentations and round tables. Please submit your proposals to the following sites:
Individual papers:
We plan to have a “new book roundtable” for authors who have published their new books in 2023. Pease let us know if you are one of them and share your success together! Please submit your proposals no later than October 30, 2023. All proposals will be collectively reviewed by our 2024 program committee. Please direct questions about conference logistics to Professor Yaohua Shi
Prizes for an outstanding book, one best article will be awarded at the 2024 Conference. The deadline for submissions is October 30, 2023. Books and articles published during 2023 and graduate and undergraduate papers written during 2023 and nominated by a faculty advisor are eligible. Books and graduate papers should be sent to Dr. Kevin Fogg,; articles and undergraduate papers should be sent to Professor Yuxin Ma,
Three $200 travel awards are available to graduate students. Those who wish to be considered for these awards should note this on their paper proposals. Preference will be given to students in the Southeast region who must travel more than two hundred miles to attend.
Conference participants must be dues-paying members. SEC/AAS dues are $20 ($10 for students). The membership application form is available on the SEC/AAS website under “Membership.” Please submit this form with the correct dues to Professor Li-ling Hsiao, Department of Asian Studies, New West 113, CB#3267, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599.
I look forward to seeing you at the 2024 meeting!
President SEC-AAS 2023